Our brief had to link in with our previous project of the CD project. I decided to link it to music. I had three main ideas that I possibly wanted to create for the personal project, these were a range of typography posters, a collection of tour merchandise or a few illustrational posters relating to music. I really liked the concept of the three ideas because they all linked in with the previous project. This was because I made a packaging for a CD, I used illustrations in the booklet and I also used typography in the logo design.
The journey that I took during this project has been from making a decision of which idea I should go for. I finally made a decision and I chose to create a range of typography song lyrics posters that were relating to the theme of love, hate and heartbreak. The reason why I chose this theme was because everyone has listened to a song that has meaningful lyrics. The research that I looked into was many different typography designers. One being Mico Toledo, who works with song lyrics and typography. He also uses illustrations to resemble the song lyrics he is trying to portray. So I chose six song lyrics that I thought they could work really well on a poster design. After choosing the songs, I tried to work with make techniques, handmade and digitally to see what was my best strengths. I found that my best strength was woking with handmade type. I worked with different experiments and finally came across a poster design working with watercolour paint.
The inspiration for my final outcome was this poster using watercolour paints. The reason why I liked this was because of the effect that the colours merged together giving the paper and words a textured feel. I really like the this design, because I feel I can benefit the song lyrics. I think this because of the way that the theme is love, hate, heartbreak using watercolour paints it can almost look like someone has been crying on the page. The colours I want to use will hopefully work well with the lyrics that I have chosen.
I am really happy with my final outcome of six posters. I feel that i have worked really hard on this project and really have developed on my technical skills. I am glad that I chose to work with typography because I will thats were I am strongest, in experiments and skills. Also the songs that I picked out to make them into a poster work well with the watercolour effect.
If I could improve on anything on my final outcome it would be to maybe make the posters slightly bigger so I could work more within them. For example having more space to work within the text giving the paint to merge more together more easily. Also maybe expanding my ideas by making a t-shirt or a bag to go with the posters.
Overall I really enjoyed the project because it was something that I chose to do and I felt more confident in creating more than one thing. In this project I think that I have taken my time to develop ideas, from the font I would use to the final technique that I would carry out on to the posters. I also developed skills within experiments that I made from digital to handmade. Hopefully I will be able to use these techniques or experiments in the exam project.